Sunday, August 19, 2007


Well, here it is Sunday afternoon. I'm battling some type of cold/virus today. Spent about 2 1/2 hours in bed, but I'm up now, and still trying to get through Week 6 of our course. I admit, Technorati had me just about ready to give up (thus the cartoon above!). I couldn't see where I was to do "a keyword search for Library 2.0 in Blog posts, in tags and the Blog directory". I was so frustrated! Thanks, Dale, for your help!

I still find Technorati rather overwhelming, but can see how it would be a great site if you were looking for a blog on a particular topic.

Like Joan W., I doubt that I will continue with my blog after this course - I'm just using it as a learning experience. I'm quite nervous of too much personal information getting out there on the web!

Whew! Technorati - what a challenge for me!

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